Tuesday, August 27, 2013

We finally have a table and a bigger couch!

Our Move! Hopefully its the last before we are in a house! :)

Josh and I moved just this past weekend, boy it was an adventure. There was a ton of good laughs the whole day. I have been extra exited to move because we bought a table and a couch. Now the whole time Josh and I have been married we have never had a table. Ha and now that we have one its awesome. When we first got married we were lucky enough to get a huge couch and entertainment center, well when i got a job in layton, we ended up moving out there and our apartment was so tiny, it might as well been a studio.. So we sadly had to sell our huge entertainment center and our sectional couch. With the money we bought a tiny love seat and saved the rest.. We have finally moved into a place big enough to have to have a table and a couch. I have had alot of fun decorating and organizing everything. Can i just say how awesome pinterest is! Goodness i have no idea where i would be without it. I got most of my ideas from that website! Which didn't cost that much either to decorate, i love good deals! Here are some pictures of it! Im pretty proud of myself! woot woot!

Used shower curtain holders to hang my purses up.. only cost five bucks! ( yes i know i have alot of purses, girl problems i tell ya.. You can never have enough right?) 



                             The shoe rack organizer was only five bucks at the                                      D.I, we painted it and made it look                                                                    a ton better!


                                                   Our table!! Its so cute! Lol



                                                 I love our new place!! We actually spend time in the family room since there is enough room to sit! I cant wait to have friends come over and hang out with Josh and I and baby Hallie! :)

1 comment:

  1. You said you can't wait to have people over.. soo.. I take that as you will let me come over to see it in the next week or so? eh eh. ;)
