Sunday, August 11, 2013

April 18, 2013

The night before Josh and I were schdueled to have our baby, i couldn't sleep at all.. heck the past few nights before we had her i couldn't get any sleep, it wasn't becasue of the pregnancy that was keeping me up. but more of the fact that Josh and I were going to be parents soon. I was so excited, nervous and scared for it all. Well we woke up that morning at 4:30 am to get ready and make sure everything was packed and ready to go. We left and headed up to the hospital, we checking in at Davis hospital which didn't take very long at all because i had already us registered. They took us back to the room i would be delivering in, and than the emotions hit, i was so excited to meet our baby girl and scared that something would go wrong or that she wouldn't be healthy.. Josh was really excited about it all! 7:30am rolls around and the nurse comes in to check me, i was dialted to a two which was the same as the week before. The nurse explained the process with being induced and it seemed easy for the most part, she gave me my IV and oh my goodness i felt like that was the worse
 than my doctor breaking my water.
As soon as she broke my water i could feel the real contractions coming and they weren't very strong more like annoying than anything, once an hour would pass the nurse would come in and check me so after the first hour of contractions i was ready for the epidural, which the contractions didn't hurt that much i just would rather not feel the pain, so i called them in to get an epidural! I was so scared for this part because i had watched an epidural be done and saw how big the needle was and it scared me, so the nurse decided to give me some kind of relaxing drug, as soon as they put that in my IV, i felt like i was on cloud nine! I didn't even feel the epidural go into my back i didn't feel anything really and it was the greatest most coolest thing ever, after they put that in i could feel the bottom half of my body go numb.. haha it was so weird to not be able to feel my legs or anything at all..  I was very relaxed and content, josh and i both ended up falling asleep for a few hours. once 3:15pm rolled around i was ready to deliver our little girl.. She was born at 4:28pm, once i heard her cry my heart just melted.. She was so beautiful. That moment i saw Josh hold her was one i will never forget, i fell so much more in love with him. I could tell he was choking up while holding her, i think he was trying to hold back the tears.. ( many who know him, know that he is not a cryer at all. I've only seen it twice in our whole relationship). As soon as i got to hold our little Hallie i fell in love, she was perfect! One of the best things in life to happen to me was becoming a mother to this little girl. We named her Hallie Shay Franke and she weighed 7pounds 4oz and 20inches long.. a perfect and healthy baby. Its been a week since we have had her and the adjustment seems normal and natural, while in the hospital after she was born i asked josh how he was doing and how he felt he said it all seems so natural. Seeing him be a dad is amazing, he is the greatest man i know.

Im so happy and blessed that we had a healthy baby!

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