Sunday, August 11, 2013

July 11, 2013

We have had so much  fun as a family, Hallie is three months old already and has learned so much. Its crazy how fast they grow up. So a few things that us Franke's have been up to, Josh got offered a new job and he started a few weeks ago, he loves it so much, he is working with a company as an engineer and he graduates this december with an EE degree, he eventually wants to transfer up to the U and get his masters in engineering. Im so proud of him! he is very goal driven and enjoys learning, he is always progressing in life and its amazing.  I started back at work the first part of June, its been a bit of a struggle to leave my little Hallie at the day care and i hate doing it, but we got a huge blessing when Josh got his new job, he would be making more than enough money and i could be able to stay at home with her, as we thought about it and prayed we figured that was a good idea for us to do. I haven't quit my job because i feel its important to progress in life and make some money as well, so i dropped my hours down to only working 3 days a week and than going to school 2 nights a week while josh can stay home with Hallie on my school nights. Im wanting to get my degree in Buisness so it can help me advance more with the company i work for, and than eventually i will go and get an MBA. Im excited to start in the fall! Its about time i get to go to college! I feel awesome, and i feel like alot of my goals are being reached, nothing feels better than being a mommy to a beautiful girl, and having a wonderful and worthy husband, and a job that is wonderful! We were able to bless Hallie last sunday! It was beyond amazing to have Josh get up and bless our baby girl, his words were very touching! Hallie is such a lucky girl to have him has a dad! he loves her so much! Here is a few of pictures of the fun things we have got to do this summer. 
The things Hallie started doing since we left Washington,
She laughs... mostly for Josh.. he is alot funnier.. lol
She smiles every morning, we turn to her and say good morning Hallie.. her whole body smiles when she has a big grin on her face.
She stands.. of course when we are holding her... 
She lifts her head up alot and can move it.. she has been doing that for awhile now..
She has started to jibber jabber... we talk to her and she jabbers back..
She hardly ever crys.. we got super lucky..

She is the happiest baby ever!!

1 comment:

  1. Not to mention when she actually does cry, it is super quiet ;)
