Sunday, August 11, 2013

April. 5 2013

I totally just posted a few days ago, but we got exciting news!! We are scheduled to have our beautiful baby girl on Wednesday April 10th.. As we went into our last doctors appointment i was hoping to be dilated since the previous appointment we had i was fully thinned, Josh and I were hoping to have her the week of the April 8th sometime because Josh's finals are the week she is born and than he will go up to Washington for his drill weekend the week she was due so we we're hoping to have her a week before her due date. Welp we got great news when we went to our last appointment as the doctor told me i was dilated to a 2!! that is better than nothing, i was so happy that we are making progress since i "think" i have experienced only one "real" contraction, I've had the braxton hicks since i was 20 Weeks prego but those haven't been painful at all! I've been lucky! So the doctor asked us what day we wanted to deliver her next week. Wednesday morning at 6:45am! sheesh, i don't think i will be able to get any sleep that night.. I will be too excited, nervous, scared! I love sleeping, i have been trying to get at least 9 hours of sleep while I've been prego because i know i will never ever get that ever again. lol 

Being induced kinda scares me a little bit, i would perfer to just let her come when she wants but she will only be 5 days early from her due date, i trust my doctor alot.. and i like the fact that its planned.. My older sister was induced with all her girls, and when i talk to her about her experience with it she is very positive about it, and makes it sound like a piece of cake, she had fast deliveries when she was induced... My hope is i will be as lucky as her and have a quick delivery! So crazy to think that on Wednesday that will be the day that my hubby and i's life is going to change and for the best! I can't be happier with starting our little family! I hope and pray that everything will go smooth and that she will be healthy! :) 

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