Sunday, August 18, 2013

My Sisters in laws and Sisters


As i am sitting here in bed eating croutons plain while josh plays his video games, i decided to write in this. Go me, i am a blogging roll lately!! Anyway,
Family has been on my mind a lot lately, and how much each of my sisters and sister in laws mean to me.. I couldn't help but laugh when i saw this quote above about sisters, because we all just laugh at each other. Life gets so busy for each of us, but i do want my sisters (also inculding my sisters in laws) to know just how much each of them mean to me! 
Growing up in a big family was a freaking blast, i have two older sisters and two younger sisters, while growing up i was excited for my brothers to get married cause that would mean more sisters, i remember telling them they needed to marry a lady that was cool so we could all get along..haha so far my brothers have picked excellent women! My sister the other day created a page on facebook for us all to get together and share things on, which kinda inspired me to write this about my sisters, Each of our lives are busy, and i feel as if we all live so farr away which all of us do. So it makes it hard to get together and spend time with each other. 
But you guys are all on my mind! I wanted to share a little about each of my sisters/ sister in laws and of course a special someone at the end of this post!

My sister in law Staci, she is married to my older brother Nate.. I first met Staci when i was a little girl, her little sister was my friend when we moved into our house, Staci was our next store neighbor, i remember going over to there house all the time to play, as a little kid i looked up to Staci, she was beautiful and smart and liked reading books, she also had a very good relationship with her mom and sister, its like they were all best friends and thats what i wanted with my sisters. She is one of the most genuine people i know, so smart and so loving, she is someone you could carry on a conversation with and know she isn't going to judge you. Im so glad that my brother married an amazing women and have a beautiful little girl, when i see them together its a happy feeling. You just know that they are happy and that they love each other. They are such a great example to me! I love you Staci!

My oldest sister Star, there is a ten year difference between me and star. She was the oldest growing up, When you are young you look up to so many people and she was of course one of them also. Star's nickname she calls me is Jane, and mine to her is Star bar... Yup!... Star is so giving and thoughtful she is always doing something for someone that will help them out and doesn't expect anything in return. She has a funny sense of humor. When we are around each other there is always something that we are laughing about, and its usually funny stuff that star does but doesn't even realize she is doing it haha.. When i was dating a tool bag of a kid (also known as a poop head jerkface) she was there for me when i needed a shoulder to cry on or someone to talk to. She is a beautiful person inside and out! I love you Star Bar!

My second older sister Aimie, I want to say there is a 7 year difference between me and her, but im not really sure that would require me to do some math, and its late also math sucks! Since i was little Aimie has always called me Bay, and im not really sure the reason why that is.. but since i can remember my name is Bay to her haha.. She has always been there for me through pretty much everything, she is so beautiful and caring, she is also someone i have always looked up to and wanted to be like.. when aim and i went on a rode trip to reno which was a 7hour drive we were always talking about something, laughing mostly. We have a lot of good memories together. She is a very thoughtful person, who hardly thinks about herself! she is my best friend!  I love my Aimie! 

My sister Allison, she is my younger sister, I like to call her Allie Bob Squad.. i think she likes that nickname alot! Miss Allie bob squad aka (abs), she has such a cute personalitly, When i was probably eight or ten, i remember a.b.s must have been maybe three or four months old anyway i took her out of her crib and put her in my baby doll stroller and wanted to take her for a walk around our house, well i didn't even make it very far outside when my mom freaked out at me.. i just wanted to go on a walk with my little baby sister haha. Allie has been so much fun to have around, she is a pretty girl ( i will have to start locking her in a room so she doesn't date boys). Geez she has grown up to quick, its crazy how fast she has matured, she is so smart and knows her standards! I couldn't be more proud of the women she sis becoming! 

My baby sisters Mikayla, Now i think there is a ten year difference between me and my sis kayla, I remember when she was born and her hair was red..i remember thinking why was her hair red... haha i remember i accidently dropped her on the heater vent once, i felt bad and she cried. Since than we have bonded. She also a pretty girl who has many goals,We always are having a good time when we hang out. she has done so much already and isn't even in high school yet. She is like superwomen like my mom! She is so loving, funny, and always there when you need someone! She is also maturing into an awesome women, and im super proud of her!

My sister in law Nicole, She is such a sweetheart and such a strong women. I have't really known her that long. But i know she is a good person with a good heart! Im glad that my brother choice to marry you and im glad you are in our family! I can't wait to get to know you more!

           My Beautiful Sisters!


Each of my sisters have been through so much, and they each are such strong women, there daughters and Future daughters for you Allie and Kayla! are super lucky to have you guys as there mothers! Always stay happy and remember that your sister Sharae/ Jane or bay whatever you wanna call me, loves you all so much!

I couldn't finish this post with out writing something special about my gorgeous mother! This lady right here, is supermom! Just looking at this picture you can see how happy she is. Sometimes when im just talking to my mom i can't help but laugh at the funny things she says, My mom has been married since she was 18 years old and has 12 kids, Talk about a women right there! She has stayed at home and raised us while growing up, My mother  is already for the day, i can't tell ya a time i saw my mom without her hair done or without make up, she has taken such good care of herself! there was maybe two times i saw her without her hair done and that was camping so that doesn't really count right. ;)
My mother is such an amazing women, and thats probably were my sisters get it from. She is caring and loving. She is there for us when we need her! She makes us laugh! And she has supported us in life! Without my mom i don't know where i would be, i love her so much and i know i may not tell her that enough, but she is a great example to me! Thank you mom for always being there for me, thank you for always putting up with my many attitdudes growing up, thank you for listening to me, and thank you for always loving me! You are such an amazing women, just like all of my sisters and sister in laws! Thank you!


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