Wednesday, August 21, 2013

I don't run, and if you ever see me run.. you should probably run too...

         I think i just signed my death wish, I have signed up for Ragnar. Now this is a big deal to me, because i have never ran more than a mile.. The last time i full on jogged a mile was in 7th grade and i more like tried to sprint the whole thing cause i wanted to win... than i passed out after.. So as you can see im not a huge distance runner.. I consider myself to be a pretty fast sprinter, i ran track all through out jr high, doing sprints. I loved sprints! you were done in like 13 seconds so it was a quick process. Also the other time i did something long distance was when i went backpacking with my family when i was 13 years old to the highest mountain in Utah, That was a challenge.. 


When i go to the gym, i spend only 15 min on the elliptical because im trying to get a nice bum bum.. than i go do weights for 45 minutes.. I don't spend any time running, Obviously i don't spend any time on a treadmill.. Well that is about to change, i always respected people who ran like 5k and half marathons and marathons, freaking that takes skill,  and determination! Josh has always wanted to do Ragnar, so he is a little jealous.. 

I am so excited to do this! What a challenge, i mean i had a baby..So.. I feel like i can do anything! lol 

My Motivation... i would so wear this shirt running!

  enough said.... 

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