Sunday, August 11, 2013

December 1, 2012

Josh and I found out the gender of the baby about a month ago. As we drove to our appointment i kept asking Josh what he wanted a boy or a girl, his response was.." I want a boy, but because i want a boy its gonna be a girl", I couldn't help but laugh at him cause those were my thoughts, Josh and I have talked about baby names since we've been married and we could only decide on one name and that was for a boy, we could never agree with a girl name. We were very excited to find out, we found out really quite the baby cooperated very well, and we found out it was a girl, we just looked at each other and laughed, We are very excited about our new little girl that will be here in 4 months, We still haven't came up with a name, its a battle i feel. lol. Josh has been very busy with school, he will be done next semester and than he will have a full time position as his work, Josh does his weekend tours up in Washington for the airforce we are hoping that when i have the baby he will be doing his 2month tour and we are thinking about going up there while i have my maternity leave at work, we are just praying everything falls into place, so far so good. Everything is going great with my job, i love the people i work with and this is the first time i can actually say i love my job and what i do, ill be going to school as soon as Josh finishes which will help me move up with the job i have now, I can't help but be so excited for the future with my hubby and baby on the way, we have been very blessed.

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