Sunday, August 11, 2013

Oct. 26. 2012                                           


I have been looking forward to this weekend for along time, My sister and her three little girls are coming back to Utah for four months. My older sister and i have been really close, she has always been there for me and helped me through almost everything. Her brand new baby is being blessed on Sunday and the first time i get to meet baby Kobie, im so excited she sure is a cutie in all her pictures my sister sends me. It makes me so excited for the day my little one gets here. Both mine and my sisters hubby's are in the air force  Her hubby is being deployed while she is staying with us here in Utah.. I can't imagine how hard that is going to be, mine was gone for 9 months for his training and that was hard but with a family i imagine that's is alot harder, Josh left for his weekend tour today and as sad as i was all i kept thinking about was my sister and how hers is going to be gone for four months, She is such a strong person. This weekend will be alot of fun, spending time with most of my family. I can't wait! I will post pictures of this weekend soon! :) 

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