Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Hallies 4 month check up.. My 4 month fitness progress

Hallie Shay Franke had her four month check up. I love going to her doctors appointment and seeing how much she has grown since the last time we went. She is now 13 pounds and is 24 inches long.. my big girl, She has grown so much over the past few months and has so many chubby rolls, i remember the first time she smiled she was 6 weeks old and Josh didn't think it was a smile, but ever since than she has been doing it. She is always so happy, She has started to look more like Josh, I get that from everybody, except alot of them ask where she got her chubby cheeks?? and im so proud to say from me. haha She jibber jabbers all the time and laughs at almost everything, a couple weeks ago she started paying alot of attention to the tv, so we started having her watch some baby einstein shows, she loves them but tends to just fall asleep to them, her favorite movie is Aladin, she can watch that whole movie, its the cutest thing! We've been reading to her every night since she was born, we want her to be a little genius.. lol.. She has rolled over a few times, her doctor said its normal because of how chubby and rollie she is.. i love it! We have been told by our doctor that she can have baby food now, i can't wait to start this week.. We have so much fun with her!  

My Fitness progress.....  I have never really had a huge problem with weight, but when i first got married weighing 110 and being 5'3, i felt really good about myself, than i started loosing weight quick, i had no idea what i was doing wrong, i was eating all the time and so much fast food, i figured i shouldn't have been loosing any weight. After getting married at 110 and than going to 96 pounds i was freaking out a little, after doing research we figured it might have something to do with my thyroid.. So before going to the doctor to check to see if that was it, i started working out and eating more healthy trying to gain weight.. I eventually reached 100 pounds and gained a little muscle even ( the first picture in the swimming suit is two months before i got pregnant). Once i found out i was preggers i was so excited to gain weight and put on the extra pounds. I honestly loved being pregnant i gained about 30 pounds and even got a few stretch marks! weird i know, i was excited about stretch marks. As soon as i was 34 weeks pregnant i made a goal to try and get toned and at least to a good ideal weight. After i had Hallie i lost a good 15 pounds the first two weeks. Five weeks after having Hallie i felt good enough to take walks, jog a little, even do some ab workouts.. When you are pregnant your ab's separate so you want to wait till they have came back together to do ab work outs, so as soon as i could put one finger in between my abs i felt it was okay to start slowly working those out..  I have finally hit 106 pounds and i feel great, im trying to maintain that weight as well as tone and get more muscle and stay healthy. I have a bum and boobs now haha what girl doesn't want that. Ive been doing my work out about three times a week and this is my four month progress pictures. ( minus the first picture that is a before prego pic, just to compare my progress)

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