Sunday, August 11, 2013

January 13, 2013

Woot Woot Happy New Year!! 
It's so weird to think that its already the new year, a year ago today i was on my way to Texas to see Josh's air force graduation, geez i can't believe how fast it went. Josh and I have had so many fun memories and adventures, it makes me so excited to see what this year will bring us. Josh and I  spent new years for the first time just us together, normally we would either go out with friends or to our family's house to celebrate but instead we ordered pizza and played halo and video games all night. We have alot planned for the new year, Our baby Girl will be here in about two an half months. We have so much to get done before she gets here, im getting so nervous and anxious we have our next doctors appointment next week and than i go visit every two weeks which means im getting so close to being done, i love seeing her in the ultra sound it makes me so much more excited, i have so much love for her already! She is constantly kicking in there some days more than others, i love it! This pregnancy has been the most amazing thing ever and so interesting. When i first found out i was pregnant i was scared of the changes that would happen to my body, the morning sickness, the achy all over, the getting huge part, the emotional side to it all. But its been the best experience ever, i never got any morning sickness or achy body, i did experience my very first Charley horse in my life, i woke up at 3am in the morning screaming cause my leg felt like it was being cut off, Josh wakes right up and says you okay whats wrong all concerned  all that could come out of my mouth was "my leg" my leg" haha all he said was Charley horse itll go away in a minute, i couldn't help but laugh that he knew what it was so quick. I have loved being pregnant, just laying in bed watching my stomach move and see and feel her kick is seriously the best thing ever.  I know Josh is going to be the greatest dad, he treats me so great and shows his love so much. Im excited to see how he is with our little girl. We will be getting a house at the end of this year, we are already looking at lots up in layton to have a house be built. Josh will be done with school towards October, he and i get so happy that he will be done and he can just go to work and come home and be with his family. Some goals that we have for this year are
:Going to the Temple once a month
:Having a date night each week
:Getting our car paid off which is our only debt left we only owe fourty five hundred so we are close! YAY!
: Taking a trip up to Washington
Those are the tops goals we have. :) Yay for 2013 let the fun times and adventures begin! 

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