Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Love Yourself


We all have our own insecurities... both men and women.. Whether it be something about our personal features, are relationships with our spouse, boyfriend or just other people, or our personality, or weight. Sadly we all have them, and they suck. 
When i first married Josh i was beyond insecure, I thought he deserved someone better looking, more ambitious, i figured i was so insecure because of my past relationships and how i was treated. i felt i was  brought down everyday and who i was wasn't good enough in those past relationships. The good thing is that its the past and i don't have to let it affect me today. Over coming your insecurities and learning to love yourself is a  work in progress. During my marriage and all of my insecurities like not feeling good enough, not feeling pretty, not feeling any self worth. Poor Josh who had to deal with them all the time at the first of our marriage haha, i've tried to think of how i can overcome them and stay focused on the positive things. Well Jennifer Aniston is my favorite and i came across this quote a few months ago and have started to live by it, and its very true. We are all beautiful people and worth so much, we have alot to offer and we all can make a difference in others lives.   Here's a question, Why do we have insecurities?

My answer would be fear or rejection, Not feeling loved, not feeling of worth, rejection from other people or fear of loosing the person you love ( your spouse). I was so insecure of how i looked and that i wasn't pretty enough and that Josh would leave me for someone better or someone who was more ambitious, I can't help but laugh alittle because when i really actually look at the big picture Josh wanted to marry me, thats a huge deal for any guy to choose a women that you want to spend forever with is big deal, he knows im worth something, and it took awhile to finally see that. 

So to get over our insecurities we need to ponder, get to the very root of why we feel that way.. 
Find the good things about yourself that you love, Don't go seeking attention or try to obtain complements from people to make you feel better about yourself cause those come and go.. I feel you need to love yourself to feel confident and to overcome insecurities. Of course we all love complements, what person doesnt, im not saying to forget those, im saying don't rely on others to help you feel secure. 

I came across this web site other day.

I just thought about writing my thoughts on the subject and just how much its changed how i feel about myself, just by loving myself and feeling comfortable in my own skin and fully knowing who i am is Happiness i tell ya. haha.. 

1 comment:

  1. K first of all, I didn't even know you had a blog. Second I LOVE IT!!! I love your posts and getting to know my beautiful sister better. You are truly and inspiration to me. I love you sister
