Sunday, August 11, 2013

May 2
Josh and I have been discussing going up to Washington once Hallie was born, so he could do his military training while i was on maternity leave, It was all suppose to work out perfectly where we were going to spend our anniversary up there and just enjoy each others company with a new baby.. So many things have just worked out for us and fallen into place, but this for some reason hasn't.. Josh had went up to do his weekend about two weeks ago, where they kept insisting that he does his training, he had spoken with a buddy up there and was planning on us staying with them for a month, so josh signed up to do his training for a month, a couple days later his buddy fell through and didn't want us to be staying with him and his wife.. I've been so sad the this whole week, i've been crying about it everyday, knowing Josh is going to be gone for a month is hard.. I shouldn't complain because most military men are away from there families alot longer than a month. I feel like he is going to miss so much.. I'm hoping it goes by quick!!

On a happy note, our little Hallie is 3weeks old.. She is alot fun! I love her so much already! The other day as i was feeding her, i sat her up to burp as she just stared at Josh and I and than smiled so big! She brings so much joy into our life! 

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