Sunday, August 11, 2013

March 8, 2013

Life is going swell with Mr. Joshua and I.. Josh and I have been pretty busy the  past few weeks with trying to get everything all settled for the baby, Our little girl could be here in four weeks, its so crazy to think about how our life is going to change. Sounds corny but i get so excited about that moment when Josh holds our baby girl for the first time and when i get to see her, She's been hanging out with me for the past 35 weeks so i consider her and me like best friends. As Josh and i are getting things ready for her, i was in a bummer kind of mood the other day, Josh and i live in a one bedroom apartment our room is spacious but as i was thinking all day about not being able to set up a cute nursery for her and not give her a room all to herself. I expressed my feeling to josh about how i kinda felt like a crap mom already, he sweetly reminded me that its not about the materialist things that we give her and that she doesn't care what kind of bed she sleeps in or what color it is or what she is being changed on, because we can give her so much more with expressing our love for her and he is so right we will give our baby so much more and the materialist things don't matter at all. As i think about being mom i get more and more nervous everyday, its coming up so quickly and before we know it she will be here, as much as i am scared i'm also very excited and i will give this baby everything she needs in life. We cant wait! As for school Josh is getting very anxious and excited to be done, he is doing a lot with his job and he is excited to start full time. My job i still love! I enjoy everyday going to work, and working with the people i work with! I've almost been working here a year and i can still say i love it and wouldn't want to work anywhere else, the company is doing well and there is always room to move up. This next coming week is going to be very emotional, my sister and her sweet little girls are going back to Reno.. She is one of my best friends, and she is such a strong women and amazing mom to her little girls. I'm going to miss her so much especially when i have the baby, but she will meet her soon enough. We are planning a trip to San Fran with them in May for Josh and I's three year anniversary! We are so excited to take our baby and have her meet my sister and kids! I'm very excited and am looking forward to it! So there you have it life is peachy!

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