Sunday, August 11, 2013

September 25, 2012

So much has been going on with our life's and so many changes about to happen. Just an update on the past two and half years Josh and I have been married. We got married in the Bountiful Temple May 8,2010. It was beautiful, and a wonderful day. Marriage has been very fun and we have done so much together since than. We have been from job to job and in many apartments. We both worked at Kents market, I was working as the night time manager and Josh was working in the grocery department. Working with your spouse has alot of pluses to it, I worked with him back in 2006 at Kents where we first met. Working together at the store the first of our marriage was so much fun. We worked long hours but we got to see each other at the store and talk, I enjoyed it. The first part of January 2011, I got a really good job that paid alot more and had amazing benefits we were able to get insurance through my work which we didn't have at the first of our marriage, I love candy so i had some cavities that needed to be fixed. :) A few months after i started my new job, Josh landed an intern position as a part time co-op for a huge company in salt lake. Josh also joined the air force and left November 11,2011 for his 9 month journey. 

Our Air force Adventure
Josh left for basic training, I moved in with his family so we could save money and so i would be safe. Basic training was rough for me, it was like Josh was on his mission again, we wrote letters to each other and i we got to talk on the phone for 10 minutes on Saturdays. I worried all the time about him. The letters were so great and comforting when i read them. After a long 2 months i was able to fly down with his parents for his graduation, you don't ever realize what you have until its not there, at least thats how i felt. Our relationship grew so much stronger and so did our love for each other. After basic graduation we got to spend two days with each other, which was great. After that he flew to Mississippi and i flew back to Utah, he was able to call me on the phone at night which was great... I hated him being away so i decided to leave my job and drive 30 hrs to Mississippi to be with him and that was one of the best decisions josh and i made. I packed up my clothes and drove the 30hrs to see him. I made it there in two days, the drive was amazing i drove through Wyoming which was boring, Colorado was the same as Utah, driving through Kansas was flat and exactly what you see in the movie Wizard of Oz. Oklahoma was gorgeous, and Arkansas was also very pretty, Louisiana was really green, But by far Mississippi was really pretty to stay at. I enjoyed the drive there. When i saw the Air force base Josh was at, I was beyond excited! I was minutes away from seeing him.. And that hug when i saw him was the best!  Anyway i stayed there for about a month and than Josh flew to Texas for his last 5 months, and i drove back to Utah.  

Josh was done with training in July. We enjoyed a weekend in Park city with his family. And than  about four weeks later we found out we were expecting a baby April 15, 2013..  That was a surprise to us, we haven't been on birth control for about a year so it wasn't to big of a surprise but still a great blessing and surprise to the both of us. We were both extremely happy. Right now we are waiting to move into our apartment beginning of October and saving money like crazy, josh is going to school and has a year left and than he will be working as a full time electronics engineer and im so proud of him. I enrolled in school hoping to study neurophysiology, that'll take me a long time to finish but im excited. I just got a raise at work and life is going really great for the both us. We spent yesterday for my birthday at PF Changs in Salt lake, Josh took me there three years ago for my birthday so it was a great to go back and spend time with each other there. :)

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