Sunday, August 11, 2013

Aug 11, 2013

My new goal is to try and post on here once a month, will see if i can do that. I created a new blog and transfered all of my other posts over, the other blog i designed was just a quick and easy blog. Well i wanted to actually spend some time with this blog. This blog is designed to be pretty much for everything. Once again i am not the best at grammar so don't judge haha..
I wanted to post these fun pictures i took with my baby girl Hallie.. It was fun taking pictures, sadly we only got one good picture of her actually looking at the camera and smiling. haha I don't blame her though it was a hot day and i would have rather been eating an ice cream cone or hamburgar, I love taking pictures and capturing moments, also i like to put them up in my house. Josh isn't a big picture person, he told me the other day that he like pictures and the turn out he just hates the actually picture taking.. lol, He is too funny! So while he was on his drill weekend in Washington, Hals and I had some fun!


  1. I love these! You both are gorgeous ladies!!! My fav is the one where you are wearing yellow and she is wearing black!

  2. I love you sister! I Hope Josh one day likes pictures as much as i do! haha those ones are my favorite too!
