Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Hard work pays off!

                             I am coming up on my 5months postpartum progress.. Each month im gonna post my progress, so sorry for those that dont really care. But for me its a progress month by month and it feels great. For the last month i have search all over the internet for awesome work out videos, mostly to tighten my stomach and to get toned. So i've tried of few of them on you tube, i didn't end up liking most of them. I did finally come across an amazing work out video, they have a whole ton of fitness videos. My favorite i have been doing is the Fitness Blender ab workouts, its only ten minutes long which i love! There other work out videos you will be seriously sweating by the middle of it. well at least thats how i was. haha.. I feel like i can't give any real fitness tips other than just stay dedicated and eat healthy. So here is my progress picture, the first one was in the middle of aug and the last two are the last week of august! I'm making progress! is it wrong to wanna be super fit! I think not... It'll be fun to look at a year from when i had Hallie and see the progress than.  


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