Monday, September 23, 2013

Tribute to my Sister Christine

When the month of September comes, I get so excited and a little emotional. I feel special that me and my twin brother have our birthdays this month and my older sisters is two days before mine and my brothers. I get a little emotional knowing that i have an older sister that i have never met before.  When i was younger and i remember my mom talking about Christine to me, and i remember not understanding why. I remember when i was ten years old right after my grandma passed away with cancer, i would kneel down and pray every night before bed and i would ask him to tell them i said hi and that i loved them both so much. I've always wondered what she looks like or what her personality is like. I bet she is beautiful inside and out. I know that she is watching over me and my brothers and sisters. And i cant wait for that day i get to met her and give her the biggest hug! Keeping watching over us! :)

                                       So to my sweet sister Christine Happy Birthday! :)                                                                                          

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