Thursday, December 26, 2013

ChRiStMaS 2013

                   This year was Hallies first Christmas, and it was a lot of fun. I have been mostly excited for her than myself, I never really got excited for Christmas but since having my little girl around i have been more excited for things.. Like Christmas,going to the park, holidays, just simple things. This year we had Christmas at our home. We all went to bed around eleven and than Hallie and i woke up around nine in the morning while josh was already awake. We got Hallie a huge stuffed animal, she loves it. She gets so excited everytime she see him ( we named him Wilfred) haha. Than we got her a toy laptop since she loves playing with ours. She got a walker and then a few other toys, Of course she was more interested in the wrapping paper then her toys but what baby isn't right. 
Josh and I did something a little different this year, previous years we've got each other alot of stuff but this year we wanted to spend most of our Christmas money making it fun for Hallie. So we set a twenty five dollar limit for each of us. I got him a video game (thats kinda old that him and i can play together) Lego star wars. Than i got him some old movies and A few BYU things. His gift to me was tons better and meaningful, he got me school supplies and then he gave me a cool looking glass jar that he had put memories in there, and than he wanted us to add more to it. It was so thoughtful and sweet! I loved it! 
We both went and visited both our familes and ate so much food and candy, i almost started my parents house on fire, when i went to get rolls out of the oven using a dishcloth. woops haha it is my parents new house that i have never lived in so i had no idea where the hot pads were. I enjoyed spending time with my family and his family. Christmas is such a great holiday full of love and giving and celebrating the birth of our savoir. I'm so grateful for him! 

I hope you all enjoyed Christmas as much as i did!

My sisters and Mommy. My best friends yup! 

                                                       Hallie having fun with her presents. 

                                                     Love these moments with my baby girl!

                                                             My Twin Brother and I. 

Josh and Hallie always make the same face in pictures. lol 

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

2013 Coming to an End...

Oh my heck, We seriously only have 27 days left of this year! How crazy is that!!!
This year has seriously flown by so quickly, i swear when i was younger the years never went by this quick... it must be because i'm getting older..Dang it! So many changes have happened since January, we moved, had a baby, went to Washington for two months, went back to work, and started working full time. By far my favorite has been Hallie, she is the biggest blessing to Josh and I, She has the funnest personality and is always so happy. I do have to throw in that last night was her first night since she was two months old, that she slept through the whole night without a bottle.. Boy was it amazing.. When i woke up this morning i had to go check on her and make sure she was okay, cause i didn't hear her last night.. but she was just sleeping away. I've heard that as soon as you have a baby it makes marriages harder, because all your focus is on this brand new baby and giving the baby everything they need. I was talking with Josh last night about what his thoughts were and if he thinks its been hard, and he said that it has made our marriage greater than ever. I couldn't agree more with him, we are always laughing with each other and playing with Hallie as a family is so fun. It really has made our marriage just as great as it was before!
So a few updates, Hallie has started to army crawl, she is so close to actually crawling.. we have to bribe her with food of course, but she is learning haha... She has two teeth on the bottom, she loves music and will grunt at us in the car if there isn't music playing. She thinks that when we put her to bed at nine that its play time and she starts kicking and laughing at herself till we grab her and play with her. She loves to watch soccer games, when we go and watch an indoor game before my game starts, her focus is on the feild pretty much the whole time.
Josh is on his last real semester of school, FINALLY.. He has one class left next semester but the hard part is done! He is still working for the same company and loves it! For Christmas i bought him tickets to go see his favorite NFL team, we just got back from going to see them play in San Francisco.. he loved it so much!
I recently just got promoted at my work, Funny story about that. I had applied for the job but i didn't plan on getting it, because there were others that had applied that i thought would be better for the position, so i kept a positive attitude and interviewed. Before i went to my interview Josh had told me you probably wont get the job but it'll be good practice for you, ( your probably thinking how rude of him to say that, haha but honestly it was true thats what i was thinking in my head and he had said it in a nice way too) So after my interview that i thought went really well, I found out that i had got the job about two day later.. I was SOOO excited and happy about it, i wanted to call Josh right away and tell him. but i thought i would play a joke on him. i text him and told him i hadn't heard about the job and that i was kinda bummed about it.. haha.. When i saw him in person, all he kept telling me was that i shouldn't feel dumb for applying for it and if anything it was really good practice.. So after he said that i told him i didn't feel dumb, because i got the job! The look on his face was seriously priceless! We celebrated by going out to eat! i love my new position at work, alot of learning but its so awesome!
I also got accepted into Weber State University, most probably think that's not that big of a deal but to me its huge! When i was in high school, i never went to school and got caught up in the wrong things, things that didn't matter.. I loved learning and regret not going as much as i should have.. I ended up getting my diploma about a year after i got married, which only took a week to get. i always wanted to go to college but didn't think i would ever get accepted. So when i got that letter in the mail, it was like Christmas to me! I'm going this next spring semester and i'm going into Psychology and then from there going to apply to BYU to get my PHD in Neuropsychology. I have jumped from what I've wanted to study for so long, jumping from cosmetology to business and medical, but psychology is what I've always been interested in, and i'm beyond excited to start!

Thats the update, ill post up some pictures of little Hals, and the NFL game we went to and of Hals halloween costume!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

In honor of Throw back Thursday

Throw back Thursday is the greatest!

I always love looking through old pictures and remembering so many good memories... I first was introduced to throw back Thursday through Instagram, Im keeping up with the times.. I think posting pictures of past memories are fun, but today i wanted to make a blog post about my throw back Thursday picture, So in the future i can look back on this and smile! :) 

Josh and I first met at a grocery store in 2006, i was a sixteen years old, with braces and just starting my very first job. I remember the first day working i was getting a tour of the store and i remember Josh stalking the shelves with cans of soup, i only barley got a glimpse of him but i noticed he did have really nice hair.  Through out the day i bagged peoples grocery towards the end of the day i needed to put the go backs away, i had no idea where most of them went.. i wondered around the store hoping to find where the food went. i turned around the isle and there was Josh walking right past me as he said hey in a manly deep voice, i being the shy sixteen year old with braces didn't say a thing.. I know i know its pretty rude, but as corny as this sounds he really took my breath away haha seriously though.. while i was working one night josh had came in on his day off to buy drinks, he came through the line that i was bagging in and while i was just standing there cause he didn't want a bag, he than turned to me and said i like your hair... hahaha i than again didn't say one word and i actually just walked away and scuzzed him off! ( why i did that i have no idea) I was so nervous around him, and i usually wasn't like that.. i would have considered myself kinda a flirt. but i was totally different around Josh, i would get so shy and not know what to say and sometimes even sweat! haha! Well after a fews weeks working there, one of the other grocery guys came up to me and wanted me to try this drink in the back.. So as i was walking back there with this kid and Josh, Josh turns to me asks me if i knew this girl that went to my school.. she was a year older than me and i for sure that it was his girlfriend.. i told him i knew of her and than that was that conversation. Still wondering if he had a girlfriend or not.. Well after a couple months had past, Josh and I really only said hey to each other when we worked together. On one special day, i wondered the isle trying to find fruit snacks to eat on my lunch and of course Josh was down that isle facing it... He said "Hey" to me and than we had maybe our second conversation ever... After we talked for a few minutes he casual asked me for my number so we could hang out sometime... Oh my heck, i so excited and nervous, I probably had the biggest smile on my face! After i gave him my number, i went back to work.. as soon as he got off work i went to the bathroom and read my first text message from him.. haha I was so happy! 

So after a week of texting he asked me if he could take me on a date.. Well this story gets even better, the day of our date someone at work had told me it was his birthday that day.. i thought it was so weird that he was taking me out on a date on his birthday.. I sure as heck wasn't complainin though.. He picked me up at my house and that is the picture below, my brother had taken the picture and told Josh that this was in case he needed to hunt him down in the future, what an awesome and protective brother! 
Josh took me to Applebees, and than we went to his friends house to watch the UFC fights.. It was a very fun night. Josh opened my door and walked me to the door at the end of the night. I remember not really saying much.. he was just too good looking, he made me nervous! This was almost 7years ago! Gosh, how time flies! 


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Hallie is 6 months

          I can't believe that my baby is already 6 months old!  Pretty soon she is going to be a year old and walking and talking.. ha im very excited for when that happens! I love this stage, you start seeing there personalities and they are learning so much! She is the sweetest baby, before i got prego Josh and I discussed how many kids we wanted and we would jump around from having only one baby to maybe three, but than we would aways jump back to having one.. I think God blessed us with an amazing baby so we will have more.. haha She is really the best baby, and i won't lie it makes Josh and I want alot more than just one! So we will see, i love babies so im thinking maybe two more would be great, i gotta have me a mini boy version of Josh, since Hallie is pretty much a mini girl version of her daddy! She has two teeth on the bottom popping through! She had her six month appointment yesterday and she is doing great! We love our doctor she is always so jiddery and happy, she answers all my questions i have! So glad we have a pediatrician that is awesome!   

                                                           She's a little Diva! haha



Monday, September 23, 2013

Tribute to my Sister Christine

When the month of September comes, I get so excited and a little emotional. I feel special that me and my twin brother have our birthdays this month and my older sisters is two days before mine and my brothers. I get a little emotional knowing that i have an older sister that i have never met before.  When i was younger and i remember my mom talking about Christine to me, and i remember not understanding why. I remember when i was ten years old right after my grandma passed away with cancer, i would kneel down and pray every night before bed and i would ask him to tell them i said hi and that i loved them both so much. I've always wondered what she looks like or what her personality is like. I bet she is beautiful inside and out. I know that she is watching over me and my brothers and sisters. And i cant wait for that day i get to met her and give her the biggest hug! Keeping watching over us! :)

                                       So to my sweet sister Christine Happy Birthday! :)                                                                                          

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Franke Update!

      This past month has been super busy with moving, and going full time at my job. Hallie will be five months on the tenth this month, and i can't believe how fast the time has gone! She has learned so much, she is now rolling over, she is all over the place. She is laughing all the time and talking her jibber jabber, its seriously the cutest thing. I started working full time just this past week, its been a big changed, I was only working part time before. I miss my baby a lot, and wish i could be at home with her! I love and appreciate every second i am with her. I could stay up all night just so i can spend time with her. We love our new place and actually spend time in the family room and eat at our table! HA! its great! Anyway when Hallie was four months old she was showing signs of teething, I asked our pediatrician if that was normal and she said it can happen that soon.  The other day she was super fussy, crying non stop for an hour. The next day she was still fussy but not as bad, i washed my hands and felt her gums.. I could feel two teeth coming in, one on the top and on the bottom! It was so cool! She is growing up to fast! I enjoy watching her grow and learn! Josh still loves his job, he is so busy with it all the time, and he just started his last semester of college! Yay! but that wont be the end, he plans on getting his Masters up at BYU! he is always impressing me! On top of our busy schedule my soccer season ended last week, my team won the championships! Woot woot! Soccer has been my favorite sport and i enjoy playing it! I finally convinced my hubby to be on the team and play, he has never played soccer before.. We had our first game last night, and i was very impressed on how well he did. Its really fun to have your hubby play on the same team as you! I can't wait to put Hallie in sports! So thats what we have been up to lately. Gotta love life! :)

                                  She is teething already.. I can't believe it!
                                                             How stinking cute is she!! 
                                      Our Park City Day Date. <3
For labor day weekend we went up to park city and snagged the good deals going on! Josh got soccer cleats that were 140. but on sale for 40 bucks! Freaking a good deal for Nike!

                                                      Meet Glacier! Prettiest dog ever!

                       Hallz and Glacier are Best Friends! Soo Cute!
                            Her new BYU hat! She is ready for football season.

Hard work pays off!

                             I am coming up on my 5months postpartum progress.. Each month im gonna post my progress, so sorry for those that dont really care. But for me its a progress month by month and it feels great. For the last month i have search all over the internet for awesome work out videos, mostly to tighten my stomach and to get toned. So i've tried of few of them on you tube, i didn't end up liking most of them. I did finally come across an amazing work out video, they have a whole ton of fitness videos. My favorite i have been doing is the Fitness Blender ab workouts, its only ten minutes long which i love! There other work out videos you will be seriously sweating by the middle of it. well at least thats how i was. haha.. I feel like i can't give any real fitness tips other than just stay dedicated and eat healthy. So here is my progress picture, the first one was in the middle of aug and the last two are the last week of august! I'm making progress! is it wrong to wanna be super fit! I think not... It'll be fun to look at a year from when i had Hallie and see the progress than.  


Tuesday, August 27, 2013

We finally have a table and a bigger couch!

Our Move! Hopefully its the last before we are in a house! :)

Josh and I moved just this past weekend, boy it was an adventure. There was a ton of good laughs the whole day. I have been extra exited to move because we bought a table and a couch. Now the whole time Josh and I have been married we have never had a table. Ha and now that we have one its awesome. When we first got married we were lucky enough to get a huge couch and entertainment center, well when i got a job in layton, we ended up moving out there and our apartment was so tiny, it might as well been a studio.. So we sadly had to sell our huge entertainment center and our sectional couch. With the money we bought a tiny love seat and saved the rest.. We have finally moved into a place big enough to have to have a table and a couch. I have had alot of fun decorating and organizing everything. Can i just say how awesome pinterest is! Goodness i have no idea where i would be without it. I got most of my ideas from that website! Which didn't cost that much either to decorate, i love good deals! Here are some pictures of it! Im pretty proud of myself! woot woot!

Used shower curtain holders to hang my purses up.. only cost five bucks! ( yes i know i have alot of purses, girl problems i tell ya.. You can never have enough right?) 



                             The shoe rack organizer was only five bucks at the                                      D.I, we painted it and made it look                                                                    a ton better!


                                                   Our table!! Its so cute! Lol



                                                 I love our new place!! We actually spend time in the family room since there is enough room to sit! I cant wait to have friends come over and hang out with Josh and I and baby Hallie! :)

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

I don't run, and if you ever see me run.. you should probably run too...

         I think i just signed my death wish, I have signed up for Ragnar. Now this is a big deal to me, because i have never ran more than a mile.. The last time i full on jogged a mile was in 7th grade and i more like tried to sprint the whole thing cause i wanted to win... than i passed out after.. So as you can see im not a huge distance runner.. I consider myself to be a pretty fast sprinter, i ran track all through out jr high, doing sprints. I loved sprints! you were done in like 13 seconds so it was a quick process. Also the other time i did something long distance was when i went backpacking with my family when i was 13 years old to the highest mountain in Utah, That was a challenge.. 


When i go to the gym, i spend only 15 min on the elliptical because im trying to get a nice bum bum.. than i go do weights for 45 minutes.. I don't spend any time running, Obviously i don't spend any time on a treadmill.. Well that is about to change, i always respected people who ran like 5k and half marathons and marathons, freaking that takes skill,  and determination! Josh has always wanted to do Ragnar, so he is a little jealous.. 

I am so excited to do this! What a challenge, i mean i had a baby..So.. I feel like i can do anything! lol 

My Motivation... i would so wear this shirt running!

  enough said.... 

Sunday, August 18, 2013

My Sisters in laws and Sisters


As i am sitting here in bed eating croutons plain while josh plays his video games, i decided to write in this. Go me, i am a blogging roll lately!! Anyway,
Family has been on my mind a lot lately, and how much each of my sisters and sister in laws mean to me.. I couldn't help but laugh when i saw this quote above about sisters, because we all just laugh at each other. Life gets so busy for each of us, but i do want my sisters (also inculding my sisters in laws) to know just how much each of them mean to me! 
Growing up in a big family was a freaking blast, i have two older sisters and two younger sisters, while growing up i was excited for my brothers to get married cause that would mean more sisters, i remember telling them they needed to marry a lady that was cool so we could all get along..haha so far my brothers have picked excellent women! My sister the other day created a page on facebook for us all to get together and share things on, which kinda inspired me to write this about my sisters, Each of our lives are busy, and i feel as if we all live so farr away which all of us do. So it makes it hard to get together and spend time with each other. 
But you guys are all on my mind! I wanted to share a little about each of my sisters/ sister in laws and of course a special someone at the end of this post!

My sister in law Staci, she is married to my older brother Nate.. I first met Staci when i was a little girl, her little sister was my friend when we moved into our house, Staci was our next store neighbor, i remember going over to there house all the time to play, as a little kid i looked up to Staci, she was beautiful and smart and liked reading books, she also had a very good relationship with her mom and sister, its like they were all best friends and thats what i wanted with my sisters. She is one of the most genuine people i know, so smart and so loving, she is someone you could carry on a conversation with and know she isn't going to judge you. Im so glad that my brother married an amazing women and have a beautiful little girl, when i see them together its a happy feeling. You just know that they are happy and that they love each other. They are such a great example to me! I love you Staci!

My oldest sister Star, there is a ten year difference between me and star. She was the oldest growing up, When you are young you look up to so many people and she was of course one of them also. Star's nickname she calls me is Jane, and mine to her is Star bar... Yup!... Star is so giving and thoughtful she is always doing something for someone that will help them out and doesn't expect anything in return. She has a funny sense of humor. When we are around each other there is always something that we are laughing about, and its usually funny stuff that star does but doesn't even realize she is doing it haha.. When i was dating a tool bag of a kid (also known as a poop head jerkface) she was there for me when i needed a shoulder to cry on or someone to talk to. She is a beautiful person inside and out! I love you Star Bar!

My second older sister Aimie, I want to say there is a 7 year difference between me and her, but im not really sure that would require me to do some math, and its late also math sucks! Since i was little Aimie has always called me Bay, and im not really sure the reason why that is.. but since i can remember my name is Bay to her haha.. She has always been there for me through pretty much everything, she is so beautiful and caring, she is also someone i have always looked up to and wanted to be like.. when aim and i went on a rode trip to reno which was a 7hour drive we were always talking about something, laughing mostly. We have a lot of good memories together. She is a very thoughtful person, who hardly thinks about herself! she is my best friend!  I love my Aimie! 

My sister Allison, she is my younger sister, I like to call her Allie Bob Squad.. i think she likes that nickname alot! Miss Allie bob squad aka (abs), she has such a cute personalitly, When i was probably eight or ten, i remember a.b.s must have been maybe three or four months old anyway i took her out of her crib and put her in my baby doll stroller and wanted to take her for a walk around our house, well i didn't even make it very far outside when my mom freaked out at me.. i just wanted to go on a walk with my little baby sister haha. Allie has been so much fun to have around, she is a pretty girl ( i will have to start locking her in a room so she doesn't date boys). Geez she has grown up to quick, its crazy how fast she has matured, she is so smart and knows her standards! I couldn't be more proud of the women she sis becoming! 

My baby sisters Mikayla, Now i think there is a ten year difference between me and my sis kayla, I remember when she was born and her hair was red..i remember thinking why was her hair red... haha i remember i accidently dropped her on the heater vent once, i felt bad and she cried. Since than we have bonded. She also a pretty girl who has many goals,We always are having a good time when we hang out. she has done so much already and isn't even in high school yet. She is like superwomen like my mom! She is so loving, funny, and always there when you need someone! She is also maturing into an awesome women, and im super proud of her!

My sister in law Nicole, She is such a sweetheart and such a strong women. I have't really known her that long. But i know she is a good person with a good heart! Im glad that my brother choice to marry you and im glad you are in our family! I can't wait to get to know you more!

           My Beautiful Sisters!


Each of my sisters have been through so much, and they each are such strong women, there daughters and Future daughters for you Allie and Kayla! are super lucky to have you guys as there mothers! Always stay happy and remember that your sister Sharae/ Jane or bay whatever you wanna call me, loves you all so much!

I couldn't finish this post with out writing something special about my gorgeous mother! This lady right here, is supermom! Just looking at this picture you can see how happy she is. Sometimes when im just talking to my mom i can't help but laugh at the funny things she says, My mom has been married since she was 18 years old and has 12 kids, Talk about a women right there! She has stayed at home and raised us while growing up, My mother  is already for the day, i can't tell ya a time i saw my mom without her hair done or without make up, she has taken such good care of herself! there was maybe two times i saw her without her hair done and that was camping so that doesn't really count right. ;)
My mother is such an amazing women, and thats probably were my sisters get it from. She is caring and loving. She is there for us when we need her! She makes us laugh! And she has supported us in life! Without my mom i don't know where i would be, i love her so much and i know i may not tell her that enough, but she is a great example to me! Thank you mom for always being there for me, thank you for always putting up with my many attitdudes growing up, thank you for listening to me, and thank you for always loving me! You are such an amazing women, just like all of my sisters and sister in laws! Thank you!


Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Love Yourself


We all have our own insecurities... both men and women.. Whether it be something about our personal features, are relationships with our spouse, boyfriend or just other people, or our personality, or weight. Sadly we all have them, and they suck. 
When i first married Josh i was beyond insecure, I thought he deserved someone better looking, more ambitious, i figured i was so insecure because of my past relationships and how i was treated. i felt i was  brought down everyday and who i was wasn't good enough in those past relationships. The good thing is that its the past and i don't have to let it affect me today. Over coming your insecurities and learning to love yourself is a  work in progress. During my marriage and all of my insecurities like not feeling good enough, not feeling pretty, not feeling any self worth. Poor Josh who had to deal with them all the time at the first of our marriage haha, i've tried to think of how i can overcome them and stay focused on the positive things. Well Jennifer Aniston is my favorite and i came across this quote a few months ago and have started to live by it, and its very true. We are all beautiful people and worth so much, we have alot to offer and we all can make a difference in others lives.   Here's a question, Why do we have insecurities?

My answer would be fear or rejection, Not feeling loved, not feeling of worth, rejection from other people or fear of loosing the person you love ( your spouse). I was so insecure of how i looked and that i wasn't pretty enough and that Josh would leave me for someone better or someone who was more ambitious, I can't help but laugh alittle because when i really actually look at the big picture Josh wanted to marry me, thats a huge deal for any guy to choose a women that you want to spend forever with is big deal, he knows im worth something, and it took awhile to finally see that. 

So to get over our insecurities we need to ponder, get to the very root of why we feel that way.. 
Find the good things about yourself that you love, Don't go seeking attention or try to obtain complements from people to make you feel better about yourself cause those come and go.. I feel you need to love yourself to feel confident and to overcome insecurities. Of course we all love complements, what person doesnt, im not saying to forget those, im saying don't rely on others to help you feel secure. 

I came across this web site other day.

I just thought about writing my thoughts on the subject and just how much its changed how i feel about myself, just by loving myself and feeling comfortable in my own skin and fully knowing who i am is Happiness i tell ya. haha.. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Hallies 4 month check up.. My 4 month fitness progress

Hallie Shay Franke had her four month check up. I love going to her doctors appointment and seeing how much she has grown since the last time we went. She is now 13 pounds and is 24 inches long.. my big girl, She has grown so much over the past few months and has so many chubby rolls, i remember the first time she smiled she was 6 weeks old and Josh didn't think it was a smile, but ever since than she has been doing it. She is always so happy, She has started to look more like Josh, I get that from everybody, except alot of them ask where she got her chubby cheeks?? and im so proud to say from me. haha She jibber jabbers all the time and laughs at almost everything, a couple weeks ago she started paying alot of attention to the tv, so we started having her watch some baby einstein shows, she loves them but tends to just fall asleep to them, her favorite movie is Aladin, she can watch that whole movie, its the cutest thing! We've been reading to her every night since she was born, we want her to be a little genius.. lol.. She has rolled over a few times, her doctor said its normal because of how chubby and rollie she is.. i love it! We have been told by our doctor that she can have baby food now, i can't wait to start this week.. We have so much fun with her!  

My Fitness progress.....  I have never really had a huge problem with weight, but when i first got married weighing 110 and being 5'3, i felt really good about myself, than i started loosing weight quick, i had no idea what i was doing wrong, i was eating all the time and so much fast food, i figured i shouldn't have been loosing any weight. After getting married at 110 and than going to 96 pounds i was freaking out a little, after doing research we figured it might have something to do with my thyroid.. So before going to the doctor to check to see if that was it, i started working out and eating more healthy trying to gain weight.. I eventually reached 100 pounds and gained a little muscle even ( the first picture in the swimming suit is two months before i got pregnant). Once i found out i was preggers i was so excited to gain weight and put on the extra pounds. I honestly loved being pregnant i gained about 30 pounds and even got a few stretch marks! weird i know, i was excited about stretch marks. As soon as i was 34 weeks pregnant i made a goal to try and get toned and at least to a good ideal weight. After i had Hallie i lost a good 15 pounds the first two weeks. Five weeks after having Hallie i felt good enough to take walks, jog a little, even do some ab workouts.. When you are pregnant your ab's separate so you want to wait till they have came back together to do ab work outs, so as soon as i could put one finger in between my abs i felt it was okay to start slowly working those out..  I have finally hit 106 pounds and i feel great, im trying to maintain that weight as well as tone and get more muscle and stay healthy. I have a bum and boobs now haha what girl doesn't want that. Ive been doing my work out about three times a week and this is my four month progress pictures. ( minus the first picture that is a before prego pic, just to compare my progress)

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Aug 11, 2013

My new goal is to try and post on here once a month, will see if i can do that. I created a new blog and transfered all of my other posts over, the other blog i designed was just a quick and easy blog. Well i wanted to actually spend some time with this blog. This blog is designed to be pretty much for everything. Once again i am not the best at grammar so don't judge haha..
I wanted to post these fun pictures i took with my baby girl Hallie.. It was fun taking pictures, sadly we only got one good picture of her actually looking at the camera and smiling. haha I don't blame her though it was a hot day and i would have rather been eating an ice cream cone or hamburgar, I love taking pictures and capturing moments, also i like to put them up in my house. Josh isn't a big picture person, he told me the other day that he like pictures and the turn out he just hates the actually picture taking.. lol, He is too funny! So while he was on his drill weekend in Washington, Hals and I had some fun!

July 11, 2013

We have had so much  fun as a family, Hallie is three months old already and has learned so much. Its crazy how fast they grow up. So a few things that us Franke's have been up to, Josh got offered a new job and he started a few weeks ago, he loves it so much, he is working with a company as an engineer and he graduates this december with an EE degree, he eventually wants to transfer up to the U and get his masters in engineering. Im so proud of him! he is very goal driven and enjoys learning, he is always progressing in life and its amazing.  I started back at work the first part of June, its been a bit of a struggle to leave my little Hallie at the day care and i hate doing it, but we got a huge blessing when Josh got his new job, he would be making more than enough money and i could be able to stay at home with her, as we thought about it and prayed we figured that was a good idea for us to do. I haven't quit my job because i feel its important to progress in life and make some money as well, so i dropped my hours down to only working 3 days a week and than going to school 2 nights a week while josh can stay home with Hallie on my school nights. Im wanting to get my degree in Buisness so it can help me advance more with the company i work for, and than eventually i will go and get an MBA. Im excited to start in the fall! Its about time i get to go to college! I feel awesome, and i feel like alot of my goals are being reached, nothing feels better than being a mommy to a beautiful girl, and having a wonderful and worthy husband, and a job that is wonderful! We were able to bless Hallie last sunday! It was beyond amazing to have Josh get up and bless our baby girl, his words were very touching! Hallie is such a lucky girl to have him has a dad! he loves her so much! Here is a few of pictures of the fun things we have got to do this summer. 
The things Hallie started doing since we left Washington,
She laughs... mostly for Josh.. he is alot funnier.. lol
She smiles every morning, we turn to her and say good morning Hallie.. her whole body smiles when she has a big grin on her face.
She stands.. of course when we are holding her... 
She lifts her head up alot and can move it.. she has been doing that for awhile now..
She has started to jibber jabber... we talk to her and she jabbers back..
She hardly ever crys.. we got super lucky..

She is the happiest baby ever!!

May 2
Josh and I have been discussing going up to Washington once Hallie was born, so he could do his military training while i was on maternity leave, It was all suppose to work out perfectly where we were going to spend our anniversary up there and just enjoy each others company with a new baby.. So many things have just worked out for us and fallen into place, but this for some reason hasn't.. Josh had went up to do his weekend about two weeks ago, where they kept insisting that he does his training, he had spoken with a buddy up there and was planning on us staying with them for a month, so josh signed up to do his training for a month, a couple days later his buddy fell through and didn't want us to be staying with him and his wife.. I've been so sad the this whole week, i've been crying about it everyday, knowing Josh is going to be gone for a month is hard.. I shouldn't complain because most military men are away from there families alot longer than a month. I feel like he is going to miss so much.. I'm hoping it goes by quick!!

On a happy note, our little Hallie is 3weeks old.. She is alot fun! I love her so much already! The other day as i was feeding her, i sat her up to burp as she just stared at Josh and I and than smiled so big! She brings so much joy into our life! 

April 18, 2013

The night before Josh and I were schdueled to have our baby, i couldn't sleep at all.. heck the past few nights before we had her i couldn't get any sleep, it wasn't becasue of the pregnancy that was keeping me up. but more of the fact that Josh and I were going to be parents soon. I was so excited, nervous and scared for it all. Well we woke up that morning at 4:30 am to get ready and make sure everything was packed and ready to go. We left and headed up to the hospital, we checking in at Davis hospital which didn't take very long at all because i had already us registered. They took us back to the room i would be delivering in, and than the emotions hit, i was so excited to meet our baby girl and scared that something would go wrong or that she wouldn't be healthy.. Josh was really excited about it all! 7:30am rolls around and the nurse comes in to check me, i was dialted to a two which was the same as the week before. The nurse explained the process with being induced and it seemed easy for the most part, she gave me my IV and oh my goodness i felt like that was the worse
 than my doctor breaking my water.
As soon as she broke my water i could feel the real contractions coming and they weren't very strong more like annoying than anything, once an hour would pass the nurse would come in and check me so after the first hour of contractions i was ready for the epidural, which the contractions didn't hurt that much i just would rather not feel the pain, so i called them in to get an epidural! I was so scared for this part because i had watched an epidural be done and saw how big the needle was and it scared me, so the nurse decided to give me some kind of relaxing drug, as soon as they put that in my IV, i felt like i was on cloud nine! I didn't even feel the epidural go into my back i didn't feel anything really and it was the greatest most coolest thing ever, after they put that in i could feel the bottom half of my body go numb.. haha it was so weird to not be able to feel my legs or anything at all..  I was very relaxed and content, josh and i both ended up falling asleep for a few hours. once 3:15pm rolled around i was ready to deliver our little girl.. She was born at 4:28pm, once i heard her cry my heart just melted.. She was so beautiful. That moment i saw Josh hold her was one i will never forget, i fell so much more in love with him. I could tell he was choking up while holding her, i think he was trying to hold back the tears.. ( many who know him, know that he is not a cryer at all. I've only seen it twice in our whole relationship). As soon as i got to hold our little Hallie i fell in love, she was perfect! One of the best things in life to happen to me was becoming a mother to this little girl. We named her Hallie Shay Franke and she weighed 7pounds 4oz and 20inches long.. a perfect and healthy baby. Its been a week since we have had her and the adjustment seems normal and natural, while in the hospital after she was born i asked josh how he was doing and how he felt he said it all seems so natural. Seeing him be a dad is amazing, he is the greatest man i know.

Im so happy and blessed that we had a healthy baby!
April. 5 2013

I totally just posted a few days ago, but we got exciting news!! We are scheduled to have our beautiful baby girl on Wednesday April 10th.. As we went into our last doctors appointment i was hoping to be dilated since the previous appointment we had i was fully thinned, Josh and I were hoping to have her the week of the April 8th sometime because Josh's finals are the week she is born and than he will go up to Washington for his drill weekend the week she was due so we we're hoping to have her a week before her due date. Welp we got great news when we went to our last appointment as the doctor told me i was dilated to a 2!! that is better than nothing, i was so happy that we are making progress since i "think" i have experienced only one "real" contraction, I've had the braxton hicks since i was 20 Weeks prego but those haven't been painful at all! I've been lucky! So the doctor asked us what day we wanted to deliver her next week. Wednesday morning at 6:45am! sheesh, i don't think i will be able to get any sleep that night.. I will be too excited, nervous, scared! I love sleeping, i have been trying to get at least 9 hours of sleep while I've been prego because i know i will never ever get that ever again. lol 

Being induced kinda scares me a little bit, i would perfer to just let her come when she wants but she will only be 5 days early from her due date, i trust my doctor alot.. and i like the fact that its planned.. My older sister was induced with all her girls, and when i talk to her about her experience with it she is very positive about it, and makes it sound like a piece of cake, she had fast deliveries when she was induced... My hope is i will be as lucky as her and have a quick delivery! So crazy to think that on Wednesday that will be the day that my hubby and i's life is going to change and for the best! I can't be happier with starting our little family! I hope and pray that everything will go smooth and that she will be healthy! :) 

March 8, 2013

Life is going swell with Mr. Joshua and I.. Josh and I have been pretty busy the  past few weeks with trying to get everything all settled for the baby, Our little girl could be here in four weeks, its so crazy to think about how our life is going to change. Sounds corny but i get so excited about that moment when Josh holds our baby girl for the first time and when i get to see her, She's been hanging out with me for the past 35 weeks so i consider her and me like best friends. As Josh and i are getting things ready for her, i was in a bummer kind of mood the other day, Josh and i live in a one bedroom apartment our room is spacious but as i was thinking all day about not being able to set up a cute nursery for her and not give her a room all to herself. I expressed my feeling to josh about how i kinda felt like a crap mom already, he sweetly reminded me that its not about the materialist things that we give her and that she doesn't care what kind of bed she sleeps in or what color it is or what she is being changed on, because we can give her so much more with expressing our love for her and he is so right we will give our baby so much more and the materialist things don't matter at all. As i think about being mom i get more and more nervous everyday, its coming up so quickly and before we know it she will be here, as much as i am scared i'm also very excited and i will give this baby everything she needs in life. We cant wait! As for school Josh is getting very anxious and excited to be done, he is doing a lot with his job and he is excited to start full time. My job i still love! I enjoy everyday going to work, and working with the people i work with! I've almost been working here a year and i can still say i love it and wouldn't want to work anywhere else, the company is doing well and there is always room to move up. This next coming week is going to be very emotional, my sister and her sweet little girls are going back to Reno.. She is one of my best friends, and she is such a strong women and amazing mom to her little girls. I'm going to miss her so much especially when i have the baby, but she will meet her soon enough. We are planning a trip to San Fran with them in May for Josh and I's three year anniversary! We are so excited to take our baby and have her meet my sister and kids! I'm very excited and am looking forward to it! So there you have it life is peachy!

January 13, 2013

Woot Woot Happy New Year!! 
It's so weird to think that its already the new year, a year ago today i was on my way to Texas to see Josh's air force graduation, geez i can't believe how fast it went. Josh and I have had so many fun memories and adventures, it makes me so excited to see what this year will bring us. Josh and I  spent new years for the first time just us together, normally we would either go out with friends or to our family's house to celebrate but instead we ordered pizza and played halo and video games all night. We have alot planned for the new year, Our baby Girl will be here in about two an half months. We have so much to get done before she gets here, im getting so nervous and anxious we have our next doctors appointment next week and than i go visit every two weeks which means im getting so close to being done, i love seeing her in the ultra sound it makes me so much more excited, i have so much love for her already! She is constantly kicking in there some days more than others, i love it! This pregnancy has been the most amazing thing ever and so interesting. When i first found out i was pregnant i was scared of the changes that would happen to my body, the morning sickness, the achy all over, the getting huge part, the emotional side to it all. But its been the best experience ever, i never got any morning sickness or achy body, i did experience my very first Charley horse in my life, i woke up at 3am in the morning screaming cause my leg felt like it was being cut off, Josh wakes right up and says you okay whats wrong all concerned  all that could come out of my mouth was "my leg" my leg" haha all he said was Charley horse itll go away in a minute, i couldn't help but laugh that he knew what it was so quick. I have loved being pregnant, just laying in bed watching my stomach move and see and feel her kick is seriously the best thing ever.  I know Josh is going to be the greatest dad, he treats me so great and shows his love so much. Im excited to see how he is with our little girl. We will be getting a house at the end of this year, we are already looking at lots up in layton to have a house be built. Josh will be done with school towards October, he and i get so happy that he will be done and he can just go to work and come home and be with his family. Some goals that we have for this year are
:Going to the Temple once a month
:Having a date night each week
:Getting our car paid off which is our only debt left we only owe fourty five hundred so we are close! YAY!
: Taking a trip up to Washington
Those are the tops goals we have. :) Yay for 2013 let the fun times and adventures begin! 
December 1, 2012

Josh and I found out the gender of the baby about a month ago. As we drove to our appointment i kept asking Josh what he wanted a boy or a girl, his response was.." I want a boy, but because i want a boy its gonna be a girl", I couldn't help but laugh at him cause those were my thoughts, Josh and I have talked about baby names since we've been married and we could only decide on one name and that was for a boy, we could never agree with a girl name. We were very excited to find out, we found out really quite the baby cooperated very well, and we found out it was a girl, we just looked at each other and laughed, We are very excited about our new little girl that will be here in 4 months, We still haven't came up with a name, its a battle i feel. lol. Josh has been very busy with school, he will be done next semester and than he will have a full time position as his work, Josh does his weekend tours up in Washington for the airforce we are hoping that when i have the baby he will be doing his 2month tour and we are thinking about going up there while i have my maternity leave at work, we are just praying everything falls into place, so far so good. Everything is going great with my job, i love the people i work with and this is the first time i can actually say i love my job and what i do, ill be going to school as soon as Josh finishes which will help me move up with the job i have now, I can't help but be so excited for the future with my hubby and baby on the way, we have been very blessed.