Thursday, December 26, 2013

ChRiStMaS 2013

                   This year was Hallies first Christmas, and it was a lot of fun. I have been mostly excited for her than myself, I never really got excited for Christmas but since having my little girl around i have been more excited for things.. Like Christmas,going to the park, holidays, just simple things. This year we had Christmas at our home. We all went to bed around eleven and than Hallie and i woke up around nine in the morning while josh was already awake. We got Hallie a huge stuffed animal, she loves it. She gets so excited everytime she see him ( we named him Wilfred) haha. Than we got her a toy laptop since she loves playing with ours. She got a walker and then a few other toys, Of course she was more interested in the wrapping paper then her toys but what baby isn't right. 
Josh and I did something a little different this year, previous years we've got each other alot of stuff but this year we wanted to spend most of our Christmas money making it fun for Hallie. So we set a twenty five dollar limit for each of us. I got him a video game (thats kinda old that him and i can play together) Lego star wars. Than i got him some old movies and A few BYU things. His gift to me was tons better and meaningful, he got me school supplies and then he gave me a cool looking glass jar that he had put memories in there, and than he wanted us to add more to it. It was so thoughtful and sweet! I loved it! 
We both went and visited both our familes and ate so much food and candy, i almost started my parents house on fire, when i went to get rolls out of the oven using a dishcloth. woops haha it is my parents new house that i have never lived in so i had no idea where the hot pads were. I enjoyed spending time with my family and his family. Christmas is such a great holiday full of love and giving and celebrating the birth of our savoir. I'm so grateful for him! 

I hope you all enjoyed Christmas as much as i did!

My sisters and Mommy. My best friends yup! 

                                                       Hallie having fun with her presents. 

                                                     Love these moments with my baby girl!

                                                             My Twin Brother and I. 

Josh and Hallie always make the same face in pictures. lol 

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