Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Family Photos

Started a Family Tradition, Last year Josh and I took a picture in this same spot, doing the same thing. I figured it will be fun for us to start doing this type of picture each year! Hallie better still let us do this when she is sixteen. ;)

She is seriously so beautiful! 

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Monday, September 29, 2014

Twenty Four on the 24th!

How old am I getting? Apparently turning twenty four on the twenty fourth of September was a good luck thing or something. But honestly out of all the birthdays I have had this was by far the best birthday ever. Josh was out of town on a work trip and was planning on being home late that night on my birthday so my friends took me out to dinner. It was so much fun, laughing and hanging out with them! I realized how freaking lucky I am to have so many great and amazing friends in my life! When my hubby got home from his work trip later that night I felt like he just kept surprising me with things. The next day I came home from work to find my really expensive camera fixed, with a new tripod. Than that Friday he picked me up from work and took me and him to Park City to spend the night and hang out for the day. He took me to a nice dinner, the waiter sat us down at the table and Josh and I quickly took off our rings and pretended it was our first date ( kinda cheesy and lame, but so much fun) we asked each other deep and personal questions! We laughed so much at dinner! I really enjoyed it! He than took me to breakfast in the morning, and we went shopping! It was seriously the best birthday, I was definitely spoiled a ton! I'm so grateful for Josh and the effort he made to make it special and for my friends that came to dinner! 

Monday, September 22, 2014

A few things have been weighing on my mind lately and that is how short life really is.
Last month I was involved in a car accident which took my whole perspective on life for a loop. Before i got in my car accident, i was so care free. I hardly wore my seat belt ever which my husband hated. I also took many things for granted, like my husband, my friends and family. I hardly made the effort to involve much of my family or friends in my life. I figured I was too busy to reach out to them. That day changed my life I dare say, Hallie and I were driving home, I was going about fifty five miles per hour with no seat belt. It all happened so quick, this young man had pulled out right in front of me seriously leaving me no time to stop. The moment i knew I was going to hit him was the scariest fear I've had. My first thought was Hallie my sweet little girl sleeping in the back seat. My second thought was Josh and my third thought was i'm going to die. The words "shit" came out of my mouth as i hit this other car, i turned my head and closed my eyes as i heard everything from the car crumbling in the front, the air bags going off and in the back seat something hitting my chair.

 Once the air bag hit me, the only thought was Hallie, and what i felt hit the back of my seat, which was were Hallie was sitting. The moment i heard Hallie crying i got myself together and jumped out the car so quick to reach her. She had the trunk lip right over her head, she seemed okay. I quickly grabbed her out of the car seat and as i turned around i had Jiffy Lubes employees right by my side helping me into there building. A man with his young daughter followed us in, he sat down right next to me and Hallie as we both were in tears. He began to ask how Hallie was and if he could check her out because he was a doctor. I didn't even get to ask his name, but he was so sweet to help Hallie and make sure she was okay. A few other men came in with my purse and cell phone and Hallie's stuffed animal, one guy was even trying to make her laugh. I tried as hard i could to get it all together for Hallie and seem like I was tough, but the moment my Husband showed up, I broke down. Twenty minutes after the accident Hallie was doing finE and running around and seemed like her usual self, so our in laws came and got her as Josh took me to the hospital to get checked out. The cop kept insisting that I go get checked out seeing as when an air bag deploys its going 200 miles per hour, I won't try to sound tough at all in this because in no way was i tough.

 My whole body hurt and felt like i ran into a brick wall. Josh wanted to take me to the hospital instead of the ambulance and if i could do it all over again i would have rode in the ambulance, not just for the experience, but the second Josh started driving, I hyperventilated and broke down. It was like going through something traumatic and than me feeling like it was gonna happen again, even trying to close my eyes while he drove wasn't helping, I could picture the whole crash replaying in my head over and over.. The whole time he kept talking to me, holding my hand and telling me how grateful he was that i was still here. It sounds so cliche but i feel like i saw my life flash before my eyes. i feel incredibly blessed, especially for me being an irresponsible idiot for not wearing my seat belt. I couldn't believe the love and support I got from people, that cared so much about Hallie and I. Friends that i haven't talked to in years reached out. Seriously life is so short, we lose so many people whether its due to an illness or an accident we should never take others for granted, we should always be wanting to better ourselves and help others. My husband has been the biggest blessing my life! Marriage is hard, but this experience has helped both myself and him show how lucky we are to have each other and our Hallie. Since this has happened i'm trying my hardest to be there for people and better myself and enjoy every moment in life.

Time to go eat some cake! mmm.. 

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Happy First Birthday To My Hallie From April

                                                          Hallie Shay 

 I know every mother says, "gosh I can't believe my baby is one already"... But seriously I can't believe she is one. This year has gone by so quick. Once she was born I loved how little she was and easy, I mean she ate, slept and needed to be changed..  I remember saying I can't wait till she is six months and one, because that's when the fun personalities starts. But I miss her being a tiny baby. She has been such a joy to have and the sweetest girl ever. I am so excited to watch her grow up.  Hallie has been the biggest blessing, I never thought I could love anyone so much! Time to celebrate! Woot Woot!

Happy Birthday to my sweet little girl! I love you!


No better way to update a blog than six months later from the last post. So first I will tell you that Hallie is now 17 months old, her first birthday was a lot of fun. Josh and I decorated her rooms with balloons and stuffed animals while she was sleeping and than woke her up the next morning while recording it. Josh and I both worked that day so we celebrated with cake and ice cream and presents when we got home from work. I can't believe how quick the time has gone, Hallie has the funnest personality and makes me laugh everyday. Josh also graduated with his Bachelors in Engineering, (proud wife moment right here). Throughout the time that I have known him he has been going to school and working so hard, he has spent a lot of his time on school and work and I have been patiently waiting for this day that he finished. I am so proud of him, he is very goal driven and so smart, it blows my mind! So to my hubby CONGRATS love! 
We have had a fun summer, enjoying the nice warm weather! We took a trip up to Washington this year and spent two weeks up there! Hallie did really well on the 14 hour drive watching the Incredibles over and over again! Josh and I also completed RAGNAR together, what a fun experience that was and to be able to do it with my hubby was a memory i wont ever forget! I than after running Ragnar felt like i could do anything, so i started running in other events.. But i only like to run for the free things you get afterwards. ;) 
We also bought a house! Thats right we are officially grown up and in a house! We love it a lot! Josh and I also celebrated our 4 year wedding Anniversary hiking one of the scariest mountains i have ever hiked.. You see I have always had a huge fear of heights, as I started the hike I was alittle freaked out once we reached the scary part of the hike I suddenly froze and couldn't move I was seriously freaking out. I ended up turning around to the safe part to calm myself down and my sweet hubby kept saying to me we can go back but I kept thinking I didn't come all this way to turn around or look like a pansy in front of my hubby, I still like to impress him. So I made it up the second time and started hiking back up the scary part! Josh held my hand mostly the whole way for what he could! I loved that moment with him and overcoming a huge fear of mine! 
                                           Ragnar/Washington/Hallies Birthday fun
                                                ANGELS LANDING in Zions National Park
                                        Here are a few pictures of the last couple months!  

Friday, March 14, 2014

One Special Weekend.

This special weekend happened about a month ago. I've mentioned before how i don't really like Valentines day but seriously since I've been married to Josh he has made it great in so many ways.. He really did it this year though..

The day before Valentines day I was working all day, he called me and said I have a surprise for you.. He picked me up from work and took me to the same place we went to on our very first date, we then got sat in the same spot as well. It was really awesome especially to have Hallie with us and to just remember our first date and to think how far we have come. Who would have thought i'd be sitting in the same spot 7 years later with him and our baby..  We came home and there was a rose for me. It was rather romantic!  

Valentines morning, I was hoping to sleep in since it was my day off.. Haha Josh woke up butt early and started making me breakfast. A few months back I kept mentioning to Josh that i wanted to go ice skating since i have never been.. So his plan for valentines day was to take me to Salt lake and we were going to go ice skating and shopping.. We went shopping and Josh got me a new phone, it was a ton of fun. When we came home, Josh had set up about 50 candles all around the house.. it seriously was the best valentines yet. Just made me realize how lucky i am to be married to him. He is a great man! 

                                     Ps: Isn't Josh so good looking!! and baby HALLIE is adorable! 

Monday, February 3, 2014

Happy Birthday To My Sexy Man!

Since its the hubby's birthday today. I decided to write a few funny and awesome things about him.. because i'm such a great wife and all.  ;)
Here are a few things that you may not have known about Josh. 
1. He is madly in love and addicted to video games. His favorite games that he could play for days and days is Call of Duty Ghosts. 
2. He has another obsession with computer games. He plays Terria all the time, and is always wanting me to play with him. ( which i have and its a really fun game) So for all you married people out there that have hubby's that play video games and they want you to play with them. Download Terria on the computer right now.
3. He loves to eat and eat. I can always count on him to finish eating my food, and even sometimes he will eat my food even when i'm still hungry. haha
4. He has had the same friends since he was a little kid and they have man nights that last clear to the next day.
5. He hates lil wayne with a passion and thinks he is the worst rapper. 
6. When he kissed me for the first time, he left a piece of candy on my lip not knowing he did. haha
7. When we go on road trips, and we've been driving for 12 hours he tends to smell funny. haha
8. He is the biggest nerd and he admits it all the time. ( i have myself a sexy nerd, im lucky)
9. He is the sweetest most forgiving and caring man i know
10. He loves our Hallie so much and is seriously the best dad to her.

Happy 26th Birthday Joshua! You old fart you!