Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Happy First Birthday To My Hallie From April

                                                          Hallie Shay 

 I know every mother says, "gosh I can't believe my baby is one already"... But seriously I can't believe she is one. This year has gone by so quick. Once she was born I loved how little she was and easy, I mean she ate, slept and needed to be changed..  I remember saying I can't wait till she is six months and one, because that's when the fun personalities starts. But I miss her being a tiny baby. She has been such a joy to have and the sweetest girl ever. I am so excited to watch her grow up.  Hallie has been the biggest blessing, I never thought I could love anyone so much! Time to celebrate! Woot Woot!

Happy Birthday to my sweet little girl! I love you!

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