Tuesday, September 16, 2014


No better way to update a blog than six months later from the last post. So first I will tell you that Hallie is now 17 months old, her first birthday was a lot of fun. Josh and I decorated her rooms with balloons and stuffed animals while she was sleeping and than woke her up the next morning while recording it. Josh and I both worked that day so we celebrated with cake and ice cream and presents when we got home from work. I can't believe how quick the time has gone, Hallie has the funnest personality and makes me laugh everyday. Josh also graduated with his Bachelors in Engineering, (proud wife moment right here). Throughout the time that I have known him he has been going to school and working so hard, he has spent a lot of his time on school and work and I have been patiently waiting for this day that he finished. I am so proud of him, he is very goal driven and so smart, it blows my mind! So to my hubby CONGRATS love! 
We have had a fun summer, enjoying the nice warm weather! We took a trip up to Washington this year and spent two weeks up there! Hallie did really well on the 14 hour drive watching the Incredibles over and over again! Josh and I also completed RAGNAR together, what a fun experience that was and to be able to do it with my hubby was a memory i wont ever forget! I than after running Ragnar felt like i could do anything, so i started running in other events.. But i only like to run for the free things you get afterwards. ;) 
We also bought a house! Thats right we are officially grown up and in a house! We love it a lot! Josh and I also celebrated our 4 year wedding Anniversary hiking one of the scariest mountains i have ever hiked.. You see I have always had a huge fear of heights, as I started the hike I was alittle freaked out once we reached the scary part of the hike I suddenly froze and couldn't move I was seriously freaking out. I ended up turning around to the safe part to calm myself down and my sweet hubby kept saying to me we can go back but I kept thinking I didn't come all this way to turn around or look like a pansy in front of my hubby, I still like to impress him. So I made it up the second time and started hiking back up the scary part! Josh held my hand mostly the whole way for what he could! I loved that moment with him and overcoming a huge fear of mine! 
                                           Ragnar/Washington/Hallies Birthday fun
                                                ANGELS LANDING in Zions National Park
                                        Here are a few pictures of the last couple months!  

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