Friday, March 14, 2014

One Special Weekend.

This special weekend happened about a month ago. I've mentioned before how i don't really like Valentines day but seriously since I've been married to Josh he has made it great in so many ways.. He really did it this year though..

The day before Valentines day I was working all day, he called me and said I have a surprise for you.. He picked me up from work and took me to the same place we went to on our very first date, we then got sat in the same spot as well. It was really awesome especially to have Hallie with us and to just remember our first date and to think how far we have come. Who would have thought i'd be sitting in the same spot 7 years later with him and our baby..  We came home and there was a rose for me. It was rather romantic!  

Valentines morning, I was hoping to sleep in since it was my day off.. Haha Josh woke up butt early and started making me breakfast. A few months back I kept mentioning to Josh that i wanted to go ice skating since i have never been.. So his plan for valentines day was to take me to Salt lake and we were going to go ice skating and shopping.. We went shopping and Josh got me a new phone, it was a ton of fun. When we came home, Josh had set up about 50 candles all around the house.. it seriously was the best valentines yet. Just made me realize how lucky i am to be married to him. He is a great man! 

                                     Ps: Isn't Josh so good looking!! and baby HALLIE is adorable! 

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