Monday, February 3, 2014

Happy Birthday To My Sexy Man!

Since its the hubby's birthday today. I decided to write a few funny and awesome things about him.. because i'm such a great wife and all.  ;)
Here are a few things that you may not have known about Josh. 
1. He is madly in love and addicted to video games. His favorite games that he could play for days and days is Call of Duty Ghosts. 
2. He has another obsession with computer games. He plays Terria all the time, and is always wanting me to play with him. ( which i have and its a really fun game) So for all you married people out there that have hubby's that play video games and they want you to play with them. Download Terria on the computer right now.
3. He loves to eat and eat. I can always count on him to finish eating my food, and even sometimes he will eat my food even when i'm still hungry. haha
4. He has had the same friends since he was a little kid and they have man nights that last clear to the next day.
5. He hates lil wayne with a passion and thinks he is the worst rapper. 
6. When he kissed me for the first time, he left a piece of candy on my lip not knowing he did. haha
7. When we go on road trips, and we've been driving for 12 hours he tends to smell funny. haha
8. He is the biggest nerd and he admits it all the time. ( i have myself a sexy nerd, im lucky)
9. He is the sweetest most forgiving and caring man i know
10. He loves our Hallie so much and is seriously the best dad to her.

Happy 26th Birthday Joshua! You old fart you! 

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