Monday, September 23, 2013

Tribute to my Sister Christine

When the month of September comes, I get so excited and a little emotional. I feel special that me and my twin brother have our birthdays this month and my older sisters is two days before mine and my brothers. I get a little emotional knowing that i have an older sister that i have never met before.  When i was younger and i remember my mom talking about Christine to me, and i remember not understanding why. I remember when i was ten years old right after my grandma passed away with cancer, i would kneel down and pray every night before bed and i would ask him to tell them i said hi and that i loved them both so much. I've always wondered what she looks like or what her personality is like. I bet she is beautiful inside and out. I know that she is watching over me and my brothers and sisters. And i cant wait for that day i get to met her and give her the biggest hug! Keeping watching over us! :)

                                       So to my sweet sister Christine Happy Birthday! :)                                                                                          

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Franke Update!

      This past month has been super busy with moving, and going full time at my job. Hallie will be five months on the tenth this month, and i can't believe how fast the time has gone! She has learned so much, she is now rolling over, she is all over the place. She is laughing all the time and talking her jibber jabber, its seriously the cutest thing. I started working full time just this past week, its been a big changed, I was only working part time before. I miss my baby a lot, and wish i could be at home with her! I love and appreciate every second i am with her. I could stay up all night just so i can spend time with her. We love our new place and actually spend time in the family room and eat at our table! HA! its great! Anyway when Hallie was four months old she was showing signs of teething, I asked our pediatrician if that was normal and she said it can happen that soon.  The other day she was super fussy, crying non stop for an hour. The next day she was still fussy but not as bad, i washed my hands and felt her gums.. I could feel two teeth coming in, one on the top and on the bottom! It was so cool! She is growing up to fast! I enjoy watching her grow and learn! Josh still loves his job, he is so busy with it all the time, and he just started his last semester of college! Yay! but that wont be the end, he plans on getting his Masters up at BYU! he is always impressing me! On top of our busy schedule my soccer season ended last week, my team won the championships! Woot woot! Soccer has been my favorite sport and i enjoy playing it! I finally convinced my hubby to be on the team and play, he has never played soccer before.. We had our first game last night, and i was very impressed on how well he did. Its really fun to have your hubby play on the same team as you! I can't wait to put Hallie in sports! So thats what we have been up to lately. Gotta love life! :)

                                  She is teething already.. I can't believe it!
                                                             How stinking cute is she!! 
                                      Our Park City Day Date. <3
For labor day weekend we went up to park city and snagged the good deals going on! Josh got soccer cleats that were 140. but on sale for 40 bucks! Freaking a good deal for Nike!

                                                      Meet Glacier! Prettiest dog ever!

                       Hallz and Glacier are Best Friends! Soo Cute!
                            Her new BYU hat! She is ready for football season.

Hard work pays off!

                             I am coming up on my 5months postpartum progress.. Each month im gonna post my progress, so sorry for those that dont really care. But for me its a progress month by month and it feels great. For the last month i have search all over the internet for awesome work out videos, mostly to tighten my stomach and to get toned. So i've tried of few of them on you tube, i didn't end up liking most of them. I did finally come across an amazing work out video, they have a whole ton of fitness videos. My favorite i have been doing is the Fitness Blender ab workouts, its only ten minutes long which i love! There other work out videos you will be seriously sweating by the middle of it. well at least thats how i was. haha.. I feel like i can't give any real fitness tips other than just stay dedicated and eat healthy. So here is my progress picture, the first one was in the middle of aug and the last two are the last week of august! I'm making progress! is it wrong to wanna be super fit! I think not... It'll be fun to look at a year from when i had Hallie and see the progress than.