Wednesday, November 6, 2013

In honor of Throw back Thursday

Throw back Thursday is the greatest!

I always love looking through old pictures and remembering so many good memories... I first was introduced to throw back Thursday through Instagram, Im keeping up with the times.. I think posting pictures of past memories are fun, but today i wanted to make a blog post about my throw back Thursday picture, So in the future i can look back on this and smile! :) 

Josh and I first met at a grocery store in 2006, i was a sixteen years old, with braces and just starting my very first job. I remember the first day working i was getting a tour of the store and i remember Josh stalking the shelves with cans of soup, i only barley got a glimpse of him but i noticed he did have really nice hair.  Through out the day i bagged peoples grocery towards the end of the day i needed to put the go backs away, i had no idea where most of them went.. i wondered around the store hoping to find where the food went. i turned around the isle and there was Josh walking right past me as he said hey in a manly deep voice, i being the shy sixteen year old with braces didn't say a thing.. I know i know its pretty rude, but as corny as this sounds he really took my breath away haha seriously though.. while i was working one night josh had came in on his day off to buy drinks, he came through the line that i was bagging in and while i was just standing there cause he didn't want a bag, he than turned to me and said i like your hair... hahaha i than again didn't say one word and i actually just walked away and scuzzed him off! ( why i did that i have no idea) I was so nervous around him, and i usually wasn't like that.. i would have considered myself kinda a flirt. but i was totally different around Josh, i would get so shy and not know what to say and sometimes even sweat! haha! Well after a fews weeks working there, one of the other grocery guys came up to me and wanted me to try this drink in the back.. So as i was walking back there with this kid and Josh, Josh turns to me asks me if i knew this girl that went to my school.. she was a year older than me and i for sure that it was his girlfriend.. i told him i knew of her and than that was that conversation. Still wondering if he had a girlfriend or not.. Well after a couple months had past, Josh and I really only said hey to each other when we worked together. On one special day, i wondered the isle trying to find fruit snacks to eat on my lunch and of course Josh was down that isle facing it... He said "Hey" to me and than we had maybe our second conversation ever... After we talked for a few minutes he casual asked me for my number so we could hang out sometime... Oh my heck, i so excited and nervous, I probably had the biggest smile on my face! After i gave him my number, i went back to work.. as soon as he got off work i went to the bathroom and read my first text message from him.. haha I was so happy! 

So after a week of texting he asked me if he could take me on a date.. Well this story gets even better, the day of our date someone at work had told me it was his birthday that day.. i thought it was so weird that he was taking me out on a date on his birthday.. I sure as heck wasn't complainin though.. He picked me up at my house and that is the picture below, my brother had taken the picture and told Josh that this was in case he needed to hunt him down in the future, what an awesome and protective brother! 
Josh took me to Applebees, and than we went to his friends house to watch the UFC fights.. It was a very fun night. Josh opened my door and walked me to the door at the end of the night. I remember not really saying much.. he was just too good looking, he made me nervous! This was almost 7years ago! Gosh, how time flies!