Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Hallie is 6 months

          I can't believe that my baby is already 6 months old!  Pretty soon she is going to be a year old and walking and talking.. ha im very excited for when that happens! I love this stage, you start seeing there personalities and they are learning so much! She is the sweetest baby, before i got prego Josh and I discussed how many kids we wanted and we would jump around from having only one baby to maybe three, but than we would aways jump back to having one.. I think God blessed us with an amazing baby so we will have more.. haha She is really the best baby, and i won't lie it makes Josh and I want alot more than just one! So we will see, i love babies so im thinking maybe two more would be great, i gotta have me a mini boy version of Josh, since Hallie is pretty much a mini girl version of her daddy! She has two teeth on the bottom popping through! She had her six month appointment yesterday and she is doing great! We love our doctor she is always so jiddery and happy, she answers all my questions i have! So glad we have a pediatrician that is awesome!   

                                                           She's a little Diva! haha